Olde School

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Well having been waitlisted to my engineering program for the next three years , I have started to rethink my purpose in life and what makes me feel complete what gives me a sense of community and duty. What is life without work? I've spent a month dog fucking and its getting boring, sure I've caught up on all my video game playing, comic book reading and general shenanigans. But having hit the brick wall of purpose well Ive been thinking of alternative careers. I'd really like to be a film critic or maybe a rockstar but I think the life of a political body guard would be sweet too. I dunno I'm gonna hafta think about it.


The Lazy Iguana said...

What is life without work!?!?!? Are you kidding?!?!


If I had all the money I could use, I would spend my days on adventures. For one, I would love to sail around the world. If I could I would buy a 45 foot sailboat tomorrow and set sail next week.

The Devil Uno said...

Amon Tobin rocks