Canada Day

Friday, July 01, 2005

Today is Canada day wether or not you are a canadian. We here in canada celebrate our multi cultural society by eating ethnic foods and gathering in parks to listen to free music concerts watch dancers dancing and end it all with a bang (fireworks).
It was a dark and stormy day and like most nuclear famillies i was not to be dettered by mother nature, not only do i have no respect for her i think she is a bitch. So i defied her by packing up some umbrellas and forcing the familly into the car. By the time we arrived at the park the storm had turned into some kind of wrathful old testament story, raining Frogs and cloven hoofed animals. There was pandemonium in the streets as the violent winds sent torrents of icy cold water crashing into the pedestrians. The four horseman were forced to dismount and find a good place to portage. Long story short I aborted the mission and went out for lunch at a pita pitt, thus getting my ethnic cuisine and avoiding what could have been the end of days.


K-Prime said...

Now I have seen the scenes behind the magic, which just makes it all more impressive. And I don't have to spend ten minutes clicking on all the links.
Oh, and go Canada!

The Devil Uno said...

haha thx

The Lazy Iguana said...

I really do not have a problem with religion.

But as it turns out, religion has a problem with me.

That Jesusland jpg is pretty accurate.

Eye of the Potato said...

Portaging Four Horsemen: hilarious! I've often wondered about frog rain but not enough to look into it. Is it a biblical reference?

The Lazy Iguana said...

Do the horsemen ride bareback?

And if one of the horsemen is gay, do they ride sidesaddle on a pink horse?

That would be kind of funny. His plague could be shoes that do not match.

The Devil Uno said...


Anonymous said...

Well, I'd rather live in Jesusland than in a place where my soul is compromised. So, what ARE you going to be doing with the lost souls? Do you torment them (as Dante thought) or are they more of an appetizer, served with pickled onions?

And should I take this test?