
Monday, July 18, 2005

The legend goes there once was a young man named Narcissus whose beauty caused everyone he met to fall in love with him. A nymph, Echo, fell in love with him but he ignored her, breaking her heart. Nemesis, the god of revenge and retribution, put a spell on Narcissus to make him fall in love with his own image in a pool of water, there he stayed mesmerized by his own reflection till he died, after which the gods turned him into a flower.


Ancient Poem said...

Yes, In its place was a lovely yellow-centered white flower, the narcissus.

I like the story.

K-Prime said...

and how much time have you spent looking in the mirror lately?

my out of style is coming back said...

sounds like ALOT of people...

The Lazy Iguana said...

If I could claim that the god of revenge was my good personal friend - a lot fewer people would mess with me.

I could think up some really good ways to get even!

Anonymous said...

I would have liked to have met him.

digi said...

Thank god we have portable mirrors these days.