Rain, rain go away

Monday, October 17, 2005

The story of a Great Flood sent by God or gods to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution is a widespread theme in myths. The stories of Noah and his ark in Genesis, Matsya in the Puranas scriptures of Hinduism, and Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh are among the most familiar versions of these myths. A large percentage of the world's cultures past and present have stories of a "great flood" that devastated earlier civilization.


Zanitram said...

Others have heard mumerings of rumors that god just couldnt hold it.. when you gotta go you gotta go right?

Anonymous said...

40 days and 40 nights? the apocolypse?

The Devil Uno said...

I wish it was sunny...so dark so cold...

The Lazy Iguana said...

I like the way you use the word MYTH. I find it funny that the bible thumpers call every other ancient a story a myth, except for their ancient stories. James Dobson of Focus On The Family needs to read your blog.

Zanitram said...

Perhaps because they believe it to be truth?