Free Form Haiku

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Snowy and cold I have the plague
Gasp for breath, death rattle
I am drinking hot chocolate


Darth Forehand said...

A good try, sick man
But too many syllables!
Must be the flu meds

The Devil Uno said...

shows what you know about haikus

Zanitram said...

5, 7, 5..

I am so freezing
This sickness has taken me
Death would be warmer

The Devil Uno said...

Way too many syllables but there are no hard rules to Haikus. I was writing a free form poem.

A traditional hokku consists of a pattern of approximately 5, 7, and 5 morae, phonetic units which only loosely correspond to the syllables of Western languages. It also contains a special season word—the kigo—descriptive of the season in which the hokku was set. Hokku often combine different elements into a unified sensory impression, with a pause (the kireji or "cutting word") at the end of either the first five or second seven morae. Although rarely broken by Japanese hokku poets, these rules are often broken in the later, more "free-form" haiku movement, both in Japanese and in other languages.

Anonymous said...

haiku haiku haiku haiku haiku
haiku haiku haiku haiku haiku haiku haiku
haiku haiku haiku haiku haiku

yaya...i know it's gay and it sucked. sue me..