Things to do...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My laptop is awesome. I love that damn thing as much as anything I have ever loved. If I still wrote poetry I would write about how many ways I love it and then count them. Unfortunately I mash my keyboard like it was a Jam factory and I smashed one of the keys right off the damn unit. Not a very important key just the [Enter] button, the only key that needs to be typed at the end of every command. So I dragged my sorry ass down to the future shop to see about getting it fixed. I would have walked to my kitchen junk drawer and simply super glued that fucker back on but seeing as I had the natural foresight to predict a cataclysm I purchased additional 3rd party warranty. The dude with the name tag behind the counter tried to dick around and get the button to stick back on the keyboard but he only looked half as smart as me and twice as smug. So after 10mins of what I am sure consisted of actually breaking the key properly he asked me to hand over my baby for between 3-6weeks for shipment to the manufacturer. I scoffed at his suggestion and explained that I had very important business on my laptop and that playing video games requires mobility. I dont have time to take bathroom breaks when Im gaming and I found adult diapers leave a rash. Solution? Laptop. He understood and put in an order for a new keyboard, allowing me to keep my broken laptop for emergency situations. While I was at the futureshop I also bought a DVD player...which didnt work whatsoever. So I guess I have still more things to do.


Anonymous said...

You make me happy.

Zanitram said...

me too

The Lazy Iguana said...

Laptops are better than desktop computers.