
Thursday, September 29, 2005

I will swear to you all now I will not be cutting my hair for a long time. I need that hippie loving. My aristocratic lions mane will return, savage and more ferocious than before. I will post long hair pic when available.


Anonymous said...

well ive heard that one before once or twice back when the times were easier for growing hair and the wifes were not as abundant as they are now. now ill believe that you'll be a longhair when my eyes see it, but dont think thati dont wish you the best of success with yr longlocks. however, you will have times of weakness and be doubtful before the hair has grown sufficient length to be powerful enough protect itself & provide you with the Will neccesary to stay true to the noncut course and reap Strength & Power comparable to that of gods. you will need aid & support when weakened or disillusioned as to your progress, the very best(&also very necessary) ally for you to have would be your noble wife. with the assistance of the bushette in her refusal to; a)cut the hair or shave the head of,
b)mend self-inflicted trauma to the coiffures of, or
c)provide financial backing for professional styling for the bushido.
success is undeniable, without her cooperation failure is iminent
come mane or mop, strands or tufts you must be absolute about the continued lengthening of your tresses. with enough support, determination and holy motivation you will achieve samson-like power and live a life out of herculean legend

a longhair

The Devil Uno said...

You know me well.....

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LONG HAIR on a guy.....can't wait to see the pics....kick it!

i on the other hand have been contemplating shaving my head and becoming the true bohemian i was destined to be. ya.

Jordan said...

"Hippies; they talk about saving the whales, but all they ever do is sit around smoking pot and smelling bad." -Cartman