so it begins....

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


digi said...

How horrific a thought.

The Lazy Iguana said...

Hell, you guys could not possibly do any worse than voters in Texas (the YEE-HAW State).

Please, oh pretty please, with sugar on top, let this happen.

Darth Forehand said...

Should Canadians let Americans vote? After all, they don't watch our hockey, can't handle our beer, make fun of our money, don't watch our movies, don't return our comedians when bored of them, want to keep out our terrorists, and ignore our sovereighty. I guess the answer is no.

digi said...

Lazy, it has nothing to do with the education level or insight (or whatever it is you're eluding to) of the voter. We're talking about SOVEREIGNTY here. What you are suggesting is that we become a state. Are you so daft that you can't see the immediate relationship between us getting to vote / They get to govern us? To add to that, how do you think a Canadian's vote will change anything in the States? Do you really think there's a big difference between their 2 options of Republican or Democrat?

digi said...

Oh, I didn't realize you were an American.

... nevermind.