What Kind of Loser are you?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Take the Loser Test <---clicky
My results were informative and I will be checking the loserscopes.

Poser Loser (you scored 54 points)
Sure, you like to think you're a loser. Or, more importantly, you want others to think you're a loser. That way, no one expects anything from you, and you can just slide on by. But we know the truth. Like scruffy, grubby (but with the searing hot and French wife) Johnny Depp, you may seem a little lost, but underneath the weird hats and the drunken stagger, you've got your stuff together. Don't worry, we won't tell. We'll even let you check the weekly Loserscopes for hints about how to blend in.


Anonymous said...

I scored same as you, but those questions are not realy all that clear and there are only like 9questions. I could use a better test.

Anonymous said...

wow... I got the exact same... your lil cuzin Jamez

digi said...

Winner Loser (you scored 35 points)
Sure you're a loser, but you make it work. Like David Arquette. He's a little freaky, a little geeky, and yet? Married to Monica. Even Napoleon Dynamite got to 'play tetherball' with the girl in the end. All you need is a little schooling. Just let our Tips, Advice, and your personalized Loserscope light the way.

The Devil Uno said...

Damn i was starting to think this test was rigged but then kapow....they nailed you to the cork-board.

The Devil Uno said...