Sexual Harasment : When is it ok?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

It really depends on the situation.
If I am being harassed by a really hot chick, then it is always Ok! If you weigh 250lbs and your name is Pete, we have a zero tolerance policy.
Seriously Pete, stop hitting on me at work, when I said that Lavender shirt was cool , I was not inviting you to blow me kisses.


The Lazy Iguana said...

What if you weigh 175 pounds, have an athletic build, but your name is still Pete?

The Devil Uno said...

You weigh exactly the same amount as me. You voluptuous?

Dre said...

the trials and tribulations of being so good looking... lol the never compliment a guy wearing lavander, that alone should be a sign.... hahah

Dre said...

I dont know where 'the' came from but it should be edited out....

Anonymous said...

I have photographed proof that the one you all know as Uno likes taiwanese lady boys.

And spaghetti.

Unknown said...

blowing kisses is that your only gripe, try having your ass grabbed... pussy. or what if it ws a 120lbs man in an orange and teal shirt. Is it the fact that its a guy that his shirt was purple. now we cant discriminate against color but i can understand gender and size, especially size, would you want an middle aged lady with a SUPER gunt givin you the wolf whistles, na me neither, i dont know what i was thinkin.... i'm with you pal, cute girls or none at all

Daren said...

zilla, im just wondering, why do you take shit from a 120 pound guy? someone that size gets shitkicked for grabbing my butt... and ahhh I dunno bout you but SUPER gunts just sound scary...
Guys named pete just get it ruff I think. They just always seem to get screwed... *in one way or another*

The Lazy Iguana said...

I actually weigh slightly over 180. I do not have an "athletic" build. And my name is not "Pete". I do not have any sort of man boobs at all.

And I do not think I would harass you. I do not think I would harass ANYONE working in a lumber mill. Even a hot chick. That sort of thing just seems like a horrible idea with all those whirring blades of death. It would be far to easy to arrange for an "accident".

Women can be evil like that. And who would ever suspect the hottie of industrial murder? Nobody.

The Devil Uno said...

Im down with Malory Knox....

Anonymous said...

And just who is this Malory Knox person? Do you tell her that her shirt looks cool too?

The Devil Uno said...

This Pete guy is clever he linked his name to some Sexual Harrassment documents....most amusing

Anonymous said...

Enough of this already.

New content.

Anonymous said...

Umm so I was wondering if you consider ummmm leering looks and be called sexy back by a guy named Pete is also sexual

The Devil Uno said...

/nods, most likely yes.

Anonymous said...

when I'm thier boss, and its a really hot chick :D
