The Void is never Full

Saturday, June 30, 2007

So lazy lately, I have been reluctant to post on the blog for various reasons mostly because I really don't know who reads my diary anymore. Also life has been a bit of a bumpy ride for yours truly. There is just so much I cannot discuss outside my own head. The idea I had was to abandon this molting snake skin and begin a new diary under a pseudonym and with anonymity begin to craft elaborate tales of my adventures my devils deeds if you will. Unfortunately I feel like I have invested to much in this one site and so I redouble my efforts and harden my thoughts towards whomever may read this. Truth is I really don't care who reads me anymore. I have nothing to lose that is worth keeping. I could fill this space with blathering words until judgement day. My long absence from writing has mostly been on account of introvert feelings. I neglect many parts of my life and sadly my hobbies are always the first to take a hit. Where does the time go? I have next to nothing to show for my laziness my boredom. A great weight settled over me and I admit to being somewhat cranky as of late. Unfulfilled by my distractions, by my goals, nothing has brought me pleasure or joy. Reviled by my current state of self. With nothing better to discuss beyond my own retrospective I believe it better to remain silent rather than subject anyone to the darkest meanderings of my mind. The futility of our existence does not need more attentive scrutiny. The forced ramblings of my inner dialogue must make due until the proprietor of my vessel returns from his sabbatical to astonish his shadow self with enlightened musings. Effort without inspiration is just work.


Dre said...

i too wasnt planning on writing anymore of my blogg, mainly because I have some how managed to dissapoint my self in a lack of interesting things I do.. I had such high hopes... that and I dont think I like the idea of my life being out there, and not having any idea of some of the people who may stumble on to it...
but Im glad your posting again, I enjoy your writing, always have

Daren said...

Bryce I consistently check this site for new material, lately in the past my time has been wasted... but I will continually check untill eternity is met. I am always happy to read your thoughts, whether it be on a blog or just chillin ;P

Darth Forehand said...

I check it but only to know if you've been arrested for underground paramilitary activities. And to make sure my swords are still only for decorative use. And because if you win the lottery I want to know about it. And because I have time.

Anonymous said...

Greetings & Sinister Salutations,
My friend from days long gone, tis true the fairly bleak nature of this existance ... and the places we've found ourselves so far from where we started, thrown to the four corners wandering ...
The terrible truth of the matter is that so few things are entertaining anymore, the level of amusement plummets with every day ... which is why you should never stop, your wit and humor are such a refreshing contribution to the boredom that consumes my days ... I check this thing all the time ... hell sometimes I back it way up and indulge in the old stuff. How would I have ever known what Transformer I would have been without you??!!! Don't ever stop ... it's pure genius, I'm always reading.