Technicolor Dreamcoat

Monday, January 30, 2006

Most of my friends advised that I not purchase this ultra cool earth tone rainbow jacket. They were down on it when it was regular 70 bux (which seemed expensive for a retro thrift store coat) They were down on it when I bought it today for 20. But when Im shredding highway on my 1980 Honda Special Edition 750cc Motorbike they will all be jealous.


The Lazy Iguana said...

Do not go to Key West with any rainbow jacket - earth tones or not.

Anonymous said...

just dont go to Key West actually. its filled with stanky yankees...

The Devil Uno said...

Oh I'm so scared of people that live on a frikking beach. Soft sonofabitches. Come live in the arctic circle with me and we can talk. Im a godamn barbarian, I eat glass for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

i think you should ride to the beaches my friend. first just venture provincially, south to see your migratory friends & family but then in a couple years lets ride to the baja. it will take a couple years to get my shit together & be both able and ready to ride to mexico... and they wont bother you about rainbow jackets there

Anonymous said...

The coat is awesome.

Zanitram said...

looks like your brow is slightly out of line.. time for another pulling?