Go for Broke

Saturday, February 17, 2007

So work was pretty cool today. I was rocking out to awesome radio tunes all day. What a difference music makes. The DJ's were playing songs with the F*** word, I was kind of shocked. Hell in a handbasket. If they can swear on the radio what is next? Porn on a cell phone?
The day breezed by with nary a hitch. I did sign up for the company sponsored lumber grading course (again) this time im planning on success. They actually pay for my ticket and they pay me based on the results, like 600 bux for an A ticket etc. considering Im one of the best graders in the mill it should be a breeze. If I do earn my pay I'm going to selfishly spend every dime on myself. Im thinking of getting some wicked awesome tattoo, like a sleeve or something. Its so tuff to decide on a cool tattoo, most chicks go for the Tramp Stamp. Since im not a chick I do not have that option. I guess guys go for cool snakes in skulls n stuff. Really I love Japanese tattoos but Im white. Not just white really white. White people dont have much in the way of cool tattoos, unless you are a skid. Damn I need tattoo suggestions.


Dre said...

well you could flag your self canadian... Travis has a Tibetian Mantra in a band around his arm... stands for something that helps center him.... dont know if it works, but it looks cool...
I want to get a panda somewhere eating bamboo, I love pandas.. I dont like needles or pain... *big sissy*...
What do you like?

The Lazy Iguana said...

They have been playing the F word in music for YEARS! Ever hear "Who are you?" by The Who?

PS - here in the USA, land of the free and home of the brave, radio stations have started to EDIT that song. They have been playing it for decades - and it was fine for decades. But now it is not ok.

And then there is the Steve Miller Band and the song "Jet Airliner". That song has shit in it. But the FCC does not know yet so they still play it.

Glad to see Canada has not fallen for the same garbage the USA has. There is still hope. You guys may just have to rescue your oppressed neighbors to the south one day. Thank you in advance!

Anonymous said...

Hummmm I think a cool tattoo would be a bar code with 1984. 2nd best I would go for a phoenix or something else that has significance in your life and always will since well you’re stuck with the damn thing after it’s done.


Dre said...

Ive seen Barcodes on cracked out ravers... dont want to go there do we?

Anonymous said...

how dare you call uno a cracked out raver :P


Anonymous said...

Get a really abstract samurai sword with Bushido on it. Do it. It's a loop hole that avoids the whole shananigan of chinese lettering on white dudes.....

Mind you, I am your skidly, tattooed sister,and you rarely think anything I do is cool, but... I do know the importance of quality tattooes...;)